The Dinner (2017) Full Movies

Two brothers and their wives meet up at a haute-cuisine restaurant to discuss what to do about a horrific crime that their sons committed together. As the quartet debate their options, the conversation reopens old wounds between the siblings.

Dua saudara laki-laki dan istri mereka bertemu di sebuah restoran masakan haute untuk mendiskusikan apa yang harus dilakukan tentang kejahatan mengerikan yang dilakukan anak laki-laki mereka bersama-sama. Saat kuartet memperdebatkan pilihan mereka, percakapan membuka kembali luka lama di antara kedua saudara kandungnya.

Genre:Drama, Thriller
Actors:Michael Chernus, Taylor Rae Almonte, Steve Coogan
Directors:Oren Moverman
Production: Chubbco Film, Post Factory Ny, Blackbird
Duration: 120 Menit
Quality: HD
Release Date: 05 May 2017



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